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Life sciences
ITO, Etsuro Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education)
◆ タンパク質を検出するシグナルを増幅すれば極微量のタンパク質も定量できる。◆ サンドイッチELISA法とthioNADサイクリング法とを組み合わた 「酵素サイクリング改良法」を用いると極微量のタンパク質も定量できる。
Life sciences
Sins of anticancer drugs
ITO, Etsuro Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education)
● Whereas anyone can measure nucleic acids, what we really would like to know are the trace amounts of proteins that function in the body. ● Application of an ultrasensitive ELISA enables us to detect proteins responsible for malignant transformation.
Life sciences
Activity change in the brain associated with pain relief
ITO, Etsuro Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education)
● The oxyhemoglobin levels of lDLPFC became down, i.e., the activity was suppressed, during pain relief.
Life sciences
Success in promoting plant growth for biodiesel
TOMINAGA, Motoki Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education)
● We Focused on Camelina its oil from seeds used as a raw material for biodiesel.● Succeeded in enhancement of seed production by heterologously expressing the high-speed Chara-Arabidopsis chimeric myosin XI gene in Camerina
Life sciences
Ultrasensitive antigen test for COVID-19
ITO, Etsuro Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education)
● We propose a de novo antigen test for diagnosing COVID-19 using the combination of sandwich ELISA and thio-NAD cycling. Our test takes advantage of the spike (S1) proteins specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Life sciences
Development of new diagnosis using ultrasensitive ELISA
ITO, Etsuro Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education)
● For this purpose, we have developed a de novo method using a sandwich ELISA combined with thio-NAD cycling.
Life sciences
An innovative technology for plant size enhancement and control:Artificial control of the cytoplasmic streaming
TOMINAGA, Motoki Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education)
● Cytoplasmic streaming, the common transport system in the plant, was accelerated artificially.● Myosin XI motor domain was genetically exchanged by that of Chara myosin XI, which is the fastest motor protein.
Life sciences
New Therapy of Precocious Puberty and Reproductive Dysfunction by Means of GnIH, a Novel Neurohormone
TSUTSUI, Kazuyoshi Professor (Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences School of Education) (retired)
● Discovery of a novel neuro hormone(GnIH) (Fig.1)● Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the GnIH/GNIH action to control the reproductive function - Central precocious puberty (CPP) that GnIH/GNIH functional decline leads (Fig.2) - Central reproductive dysfunction (CR...
Environmentally-conscious product and waste product business management
NAGASAWA, Shinya Professor (Faculty of Commerce Graduate School of Commerce)
This project proposes methodology to scientifically develop market analysis and product management methods for environmentally-conscious products, as well as the creation of new waste product processing businesses.
ASAHI, Toru Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Life sciences
A Method for Chromatic Adaptation Conversion in Skin Disease Diagnosis
SOTA, Takayuki Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
● Renunciation of perfect color reproduction ● Custom setting of reference chromaticity coordinates● Realization of stable white balance
Life sciences
Development of novel therapeutic strategy that targets pancreatic β cells for diabetes mellitus
GODA, Nobuhito Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
● Increase in numbers of functional pancreatic β cells ● Creation of pancreatic β-like cells by transdifferentiation
Life sciences
Method for monitoring the treatment effect of Myeloproliferative neoplasms
TSUNEDA, Satoshi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
● Usage of the fluorescence-dye-labeled probe exhibiting fluorescent intensity as a function of the amount of V617F allele● JAK2 V617F allele burden can be quantified equivalent to the results by next- generation sequencing (NGS)● Available for the monitoring of slight i...
Life sciences
Ultra-sensitive and high-performance biomolecule detection method
SOU, Keitaro Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:Runkai Hu , TAKEOKA, Shinji Professor
● Conversion of detection principle from analog method to digital method.● Development of ultra-sensitive detection probes capable of single molecule detection.● Practical application of quantitative technology based on high-speed single molecule digital counting.
Life sciences
Probes for theranostics that target denatured collagen
KOIDE, Takaki Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
● Remarkable improvement of affinity to target by cyclization of CMPs● Optimization of cyclic CMP (cCMP) design using structure-activity relationship
Life sciences
Natural compounds affecting cell differentiation
NAKAO, Yoichi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
● In vitro neural differentiation model using embryonic stem cell● Search for active compounds from marine organisms and foods
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Life sciences
Directed evolution of proteins by using novel engineering of genetic codes
KIGA, Daisuke Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
● Our directed evolution creates a protein which has only one modification site.● The key for the above evolution is our “simplified genetic codes” which do not encode Lysine. ● Our ”moving average genetic code” keeps increasing of a desired property of proteins&nb...
Life sciences
An artificial collagen-like material based on triple helix-forming peptides
KOIDE, Takaki Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
● Polymerization of the collagen-like peptides by cross-linking via disulfide bonds● Functionalization by incorporating bioactive sequences derived from native collagen● Process into a transparent membrane by a drying/rehydration of the gel