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Life sciences
Voice synthesizing technology based on human vocal cords
HONDA, Masaaki Professor (Faculty of Sport Sciences School of Sport and Sciences) (retired)
Analyzing the mechanical and acoustic mechanisms in the generation of voice in communicationAnalyzing the feedback from the sense of hearing and touch to the vocal system, and elucidating the mechanism for generating the quality of voice in emotional or ill people.
Nanotechnology / Materials
HOSOI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering)
異種接合材の純モード 層間破壊靱性評価試験法の開発
HOSOI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering)
◆ DCB試験の応用 ◆ 異種材接合に伴う混合モードの影響を除去◆ 熱残留応力の影響をキャンセル◆ 正確なモードⅠ層間破壊靱性の評価
Nanotechnology / Materials
Development of Test Method for Evaluating Pure Mode Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Dissimilar Materials
HOSOI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering)
● Application of Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test● Cancel the effects of mixing modes when joining dissimilar materials and thermal residual stress● Accurate mode I interlaminar fracture toughness evaluation
Nanotechnology / Materials
Dissimilar Materials Bonding with 3D Nano Interface
HOSOI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering)
● Fabrication of nano structure on aluminum surfaces● Improvement of bonding strength by silane-coupling treatment● Direct bonding of CFRTP and Al by hotpress● Evaluation of shear strength and fracture toughness
HOSOI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering)
◆ 熱可塑性炭素繊維強化複合材料(CFRTP)の自動車車体への適用及び、生産性,リサイクル性,燃費の向上◆ マルチマテリアル化によるCFRTPとアルミニウム合金(Al)の接合技術開発◆ Al表面上のナノスパイク構造(NSS)の作製◆ CFRTPとAlのホットプレスによる直接接合◆ シランカップリング処理による接着強...
Manufacturing Technology
Healing of Fatigue Crack in the Metallic Materials by Heat Treatment
HOSOI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:藤田 耕平 , KAWADA, Hiroyuki Professor
● Implementation of fatigue crack healing of 90%● Implementation of static tensile strength of 75%● Fatigue crack healing due to elimination of oxide film by vacuum heating, plasticity-induced crack closure and atomic diffusion.
Manufacturing Technology
Direct Bonding of Dissimilar Materials Having 3D Nanostructured Interfaces
HOSOI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:阿部 暉 , KAWADA, Hiroyuki Professor
● Fabrication of nanospike structure (NSS) on aluminum surfaces● Direct joining of CFRTP and Al by hotpress● Improvement of adhesive strength by silane-coupling treatment
Life sciences
High-speed Tissue Dissection System for Spatial Omics Analysis of Tissue
HOSOKAWA, Masahito Associate Professor (Research Council (Research Organization) Institute for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)
collaborative researchers:TAKEYAMA, Haruko Professor , 神原 秀記 招聘研究教授
● The automated system for rapid tissue microdissection ● Tissues are automatically dissected and transferred into plate within 8 min for 96 sampling sites.
Nanotechnology / Materials
New Wide Bandgap Semiconductor --- β-Ga2O3 Single Crystal
ICHINOSE, Noboru Advisor to the Dean of Academic Affairs (retired)
collaborative researchers:SHIMAMURA, Kiyoshi Guest Professor (retired), ガルシア ビジョラ (retired)
・The proposal and actual proof of β-Ga2O3 single crystal as a new wide bandgap semiconductor ・Advantageous growth nature of β-Ga2O3 single crystals from melt under atmospheric pressure.・Wide controllability of conductivity (Large band gap energy (4.8~4.9V)
Nanotechnology / Materials
Manufacturing Technology
Fabrication of nano-optical patterns by electron beam irradiation
IMURA, Kohei Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:KAMURA, Yoshio Research Associate
● Nano-scale optical pattern was fabricated by electron beam irradiation ● Polymer was used for inducing unique optical properties● Luminescence properties were controlled by tuning the condition
Nanotechnology / Materials
Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope(SNOM)
IMURA, Kohei Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:溝端 秀聡
● Spectroscopic evaluations with a nanometer spatial resolution are possible ● Extended from single channel measurements to multiplex measurements● Wide spectral range with highly accurate measurements are achievable● Applicable to opaque samples as well as transparent ones
Nanotechnology / Materials
Observing substances under a near-field optical microscope
IMURA, Kohei Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
Using a near-field optical microscope allows observation of the shape, as well as the color of substances in an estimated area of 10 to 100 microns squared.
Nanotechnology / Materials
The controlling of light energy with precious metal nanoparticles (plasmonic substances)
IMURA, Kohei Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
Using a near-field optical microscope allows the observation and visualization of the plasmon of plasmonic substances. Plasmonic substances demonstrate a variety of behavior through their interaction with light, the progress of which can be tracked in high time and spatial res...
Life sciences
Intracellular molecular dynamic analysis
INOUE, Takafumi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
Using random scan two-photon excitation microscopy, we can measure the movement of intracellular molecules. In particular, the calcium ions (Ca2+) and phosphoenzymes, receptors and other proteins involved in the synapse plasticity of neurons are the target for this analysis.
ISHII, Hiroyuki Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
Manufacturing Technology
ISHII, Hiroyuki Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:TAKANISHI, Atsuo Professor
Life sciences
ISHII, Hiroyuki Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:TAKANISHI, Atsuo Professor , 勝又 明敏 教授
Life sciences
Investigation of prenatal care through noninvasive diagnosis and analysis
ISHIYAMA, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
Using a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device), which is a high sensitivity magnetic sensor, to diagnose and analyze the mother’s electrocardiograph can shed light on the level of relaxation or stress in the fetus through correlation between the mother and the fet...
Life sciences
Visualization of the brain’s response to stimuli (smell) in a murine model using noninvasive measuring of biomagnetism
ISHIYAMA, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
The SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device), which is a high sensitivity magnetic sensor, is able to measure subtle magnetic fields (magnetoencephalographs) created by nervous activity, and it is not hindered by the skull. This allows the accurate and individual tr...