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Nanotechnology / Materials
Flame synthesis of single-wall carbon nanotubes
NODA, Suguru Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
●Premixed flame for rapid heating of gas and decompositionof catalyst precursors.●Rapid mixing with carbon source for nucleation of catalystparticles and CNTs at high density.→ Continuous synthesis of 1 nm-diameter single-wall CNTs.
Nanotechnology / Materials
Reforming of hydrocarbon to carbon nanotubes and hydrogen
NODA, Suguru Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
● Produce CNTs at high yield from hydrocarbon by original fluidized-bed technology. Convert C and H in CnH2m to CNTs and H2.
Nanotechnology / Materials
Application of Microdroplets to Chemical Reactions
TANAKA, Daiki Assistant Professor
collaborative researchers:藤⽥ 博之 , 関⼝ 哲志 , SHOJI, Shuichi Professor
● Design of micro-devices to stabilize droplet generation,surface treatment of channels, and flow conditions● Encapsulation of chemicals for chemical reaction field control
NODA, Suguru Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
TANAKA, Eiichiro Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems)
世界最小最軽量の歩行補助機。モータ等のアクチュエータを使用せず、振動スピーカを足裏(母指球下)と足の甲(中足骨上)に備え、 非対称波形の振動を適切なタイミングでそれぞれ出力する。すると力の補助はしないが靴が足の底背屈動作を促し、使用者自身の力で地面を蹴り、つま先を上げるので歩行...
IWATA, Hiroyasu Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Creative Science and Engineering)
Social Infrastructure
IWATA, Hiroyasu Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Creative Science and Engineering)
SEKINE, Yasushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
SHINOHARA, Hirofumi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems) (retired)
Social Infrastructure
特開2023- 32381
KAMEZAKI, Mitsuhiro Guest Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
MATSUKATA, Masahiko Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
NODA, Suguru Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
◆ 新規なBNNTの製造方法 ―ホウ酸蒸気を用いたCVD法による製造方法
Life sciences
Wireless monitoring system for human small signal detection
MIYAKE, Takeo Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems)
● New principle: the parity-time symmetric resonator circuits● Add a negative resistance to the detection circuit only● Wireless monitoring of resistance, inductance, and capacitance change
Life sciences
Molecule delivering nanotube stamp and stamping system
MIYAKE, Takeo Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems)
● Delivering substances with different sizes, shapes, and charges into cells ● We have developed a hybrid nanotube (NT) stamp and its stamping system. ● The proposed technology can be used for basic and applied research (regenerative medicine,...
Life sciences
Monitor for stress substances
OHASHI, Keishi Guest Senior Researcher (Research Council (Research Organization) Institute for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) (retired)
● Development of compact, easy-to-handle, fast-response silicon transistor sensor (Fig.2)● Simultaneous detection and multifaceted understanding of markers of different origins● Simple detection from minute amounts of saliva and sweat
Life sciences
Modulation of Brain Activity by tDCS Effects on Human Decision Making
HIRAYAMA, Kento Assistant Professor (Faculty of Human Sciences School of Human Sciences) (retired)
collaborative researchers:OSU, Rieko Professor (retired)
● Transcranial direct current electrical stimulation (tDCS) (Figure 1) can increase or decrease neural activity continuously for several hours. ● The activity of the posterior parietal cortex was changed by tDCS during the task of measuring the frequency of choice for eac...
Life sciences
Epithelial cell-cell communication to attenuate the rejection of suboptimal cells
MARUYAMA, Takeshi Part-time Lecturer (Affiliated organization Waseda Institute for Advanced Study) (retired)
collaborative researchers:鮎川 志優 (retired)
● Optimal cells eliminate suboptimal cells● The mechanism of epithelial cell-cell communication via the interaction between a ligand and a receptor● MHC-I-targeting treatment suppresses the elimination
Life sciences
Epithelial cell-cell communication to facilitate the aberrant cell elimination
MARUYAMA, Takeshi Part-time Lecturer (Affiliated organization Waseda Institute for Advanced Study) (retired)
● Epithelial cells eliminate precancerous cells● The mechanism of epithelial cell-cell communication via the interaction between Ligand and Receptor● AltR-targeting treatment enhances the elimination