Molecule delivering nanotube stamp and stamping system


●  Delivering substances with different sizes, shapes, and charges into cells  
●  We have developed a hybrid nanotube (NT) stamp and its stamping system.  
● The proposed technology can be used for basic and applied research (regenerative medicine, drug discovery, etc.).


●  Delivering substances with different sizes, shapes, and charges into cells  
●  We have developed a hybrid nanotube (NT) stamp and its stamping system.  
● The proposed technology can be used for basic and applied research (regenerative medicine, drug discovery, etc.).


●  High delivery efficiency and high cellular viability
●  Ability to delivery macromolecules (proteins and organelles)
●  Succeed to deriver and extract the molecules to/from the cells


● Manufacture and sale of smart cells (new types of cells for medical/hospital applications and for synthesize some products in the cells)
● Molecular delivery and extraction test for cell therapy
● Manufacture and sale of NTs membrane and stamping system


posted: 2021/10/08