Application of Microdroplets to Chemical Reactions
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● Realization of precise control of microdroplets for chemical applications.
● Study of new chemical reaction conditions by applying the specificity of micro-reaction fields.
● Design of micro-devices to stabilize droplet generation,surface treatment of channels, and flow conditions
● Encapsulation of chemicals for chemical reaction field control
● Protein crystallization in microgravity
● Completing complex chemical synthesis in microdroplets
● More efficient reaction conditions compared to the conventional method (Beaker)
● Drug discovery that requires high-purity synthesis
● Protein crystallization and other biochemical fields
● Synthesis experiments using precious reagents
collaborative researchers
藤⽥ 博之 , 関⼝ 哲志 , SHOJI, Shuichi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Department of Electronic and Photonic Systems) (retired)
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