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Life sciences

Novel infertility treatment using cell sheet technology

SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
● Infertility treatment that engrafts fertilized eggs in the intimal tissue using cell sheet technology.
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Life sciences

Cultured meat production with culture medium made from waste food

SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
● A major part of the cost of producing cultured meat is the growth factors and serum of the culture medium. ● By containing a homogenized extract of waste meat in the basal medium, a large number of muscle cells can be amplified in a growth factor-free and serum-free me...
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Life sciences

In vitro NASH model with ballooned hepatocytes

SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
● When human fibroblasts and human hepatocytes are co-cultured, collected in sheets using UPCELL and     cultured in a high-glycolipid environment, ballooned hepatocytes are induced. 
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Life sciences


YAGI, Takanobu Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
患者の血管病の病態に近似し、簡便かつ短期間で作製 可能で、血管組織が正常から病態へと経時間的に変化す るプロセスを解明することが可能な、ex vivoの疾患モ デルの作製方法を確立し、血管病の予防又は治療のため の薬剤のスクリーニングに利用可能な疾患モデルを提供 することを課題とする。
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Life sciences

Artificial blood vessel unit for fabrication of artificial organ

UMEZU, Shinjiro Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Creative Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer , 秋元 渓 , 大矢 貴史
●  Luminal structure was fabricated by using titanium wire and hydrogel. ●  Artificial vascular structures are created by using vascular endothelial cells adhered titanium wire. ●  Artificial vascular structures were perfused with culture medium.
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Life sciences

Reproduction model device for cerebral aneurysm

YAGI, Takanobu Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer
●  Establishment of a novel ex vivo technique of reproducing cerebral aneurysm.●  Reproduce diseased state of the arteries from healthy by hemodynamic loading.●  Reproduce degenerative change of arteries due to aberrant hemodynamics.
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