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Nanotechnology / Materials
Microfluidic white organic light-emitting diode
小林 直史 (理工学術院 基幹理工学研究科 電子物理システム学専攻)
collaborative researchers:SHOJI, Shuichi Professor , MIZUNO, Jun Guest Senior Researcher
● Greenish-blue and yellow LOSs were applied as liquid emitters● Integrated 60-µm microchannels were fabricated● Greenish-blue and yellow liquid emitters were alternately injected into the fine microchannels (Fig. 3)● White light was generated with simultaneous greenish-blue a...
Nanotechnology / Materials
Light-driven Bending Crystals
小島 秀子 (ナノライフ創新研究機構)
collaborative researchers:ASAHI, Toru Professor
● Crystals for light-driven actuator ● Photomechanical crystals replaced to shape-memory alloy● Crystal machinery replaced to MEMS
Nanotechnology / Materials
Fabrication of carbon nanotube yarn with high functionality
金 太成 (理工学術院 機械科学・航空学科)
collaborative researchers:酒井 貴広 , HOSOI, Atsushi Professor , KAWADA, Hiroyuki Professor
● CNT yarn was drawn from vertically aligned CNT array● CNT composite yarn was developed by electrolytic plating● Controlling of plating by changing plating condition● Superior electrical conductivity (2.14×107 S/m)
Life sciences
On-Chip Quasi-in vivo Assay Technology for Predictive Drug Discovery and Diagnostics
安田 賢二 教授 (理工学術院 先進理工学部)
● We have developed an on-chip quasi-in vivo technology consisting of, (1) non-invasive cell sorting, (2) 3-D cell network formation, (3) non-destructive single cell dynamics measurement.
Manufacturing Technology
Timber modifying method and timber modified thereby
YUI, Hiroshi Guest Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering) (retired)
This invention keeps various types of medicinal substances that have been coated or immersed during timber modification, from being leached by water. It improves durability while maintaining the unique exterior and degree of humidity of timber. It also enables the use of timbe...
Life sciences
Lipolytic microorganism and method for treating wastewater containing oil and fat using the same
YUI, Hiroshi Guest Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering) (retired)
This invention relates to a novel microorganism that can efficiently break down fats and oils from animals and vegetables that are contained in wastewater from kitchens and other sources, as well as the enzymes that are generated by this microorganism. It is a method of treati...
Manufacturing Technology
Modifier providing organic polymer products with self-extinguishing properties, method of use of the modifier, and organic polymer products having self-extinguishing properties
YUI, Hiroshi Guest Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering) (retired)
This invention can provide organic polymer products such as plastic, rubber, wood, paper, etc. with self-extinguishing properties simply and at a low cost, without reducing the physical properties of the products. It does not use substances such as halogen compounds, etc. whic...
Socio-scientific research into administrative processes of environmental policies
YOSHIDA, Tokuhisa Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering) (retired)
Policies, statutes, environmental science and technology, public opinion, reports in mass media and interests are being examined in a unified manner, and the methods below used to conduct empirical analyses. Results have been obtained in research on themes relating to the admi...
Design and operation of smart communities / Eco-towns that are resistant to natural disasters
YOKOYAMA, Ryuichi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering) (retired)
Essential to the construction of local energy supply systems for using renewable energy, which is readily affected by the weather, is the technology ensuring a stable supply of power. In our laboratory, we are able to design, construct and evaluate local energy supply systems ...
Information Communication
YANAGITANI, Takahiko Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
Nanotechnology / Materials
YANAGITANI, Takahiko Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:石井 直輝
YANAGITANI, Takahiko Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
YAMAZAKI, Atsushi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Creative Science and Engineering)
Information Communication
System for the handwritten input of mathematical expressions: MathBox
YAMANA, Hayato Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
The symbols in expressions can be recognized using existing character-recognition techniques, but the recognition of expression structures is difficult, which caused a drop in the accuracy of expression recognition. Accordingly, the pattern of the structure is predicted and a ...
Information Communication
Creation of effective thumbnails based on handwritten notes
YAMANA, Hayato Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
When displaying lists, thumbnails are effective as details can be ascertained easily from an overview, but with handwritten data, the characters can become too small, resulting instead in an increase in time required.Therefore, reduced thumbnails are produced automatically usi...
YAGI, Takanobu Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
患者の血管病の病態に近似し、簡便かつ短期間で作製 可能で、血管組織が正常から病態へと経時間的に変化す るプロセスを解明することが可能な、ex vivoの疾患モ デルの作製方法を確立し、血管病の予防又は治療のため の薬剤のスクリーニングに利用可能な疾患モデルを提供 することを課題とする。
Life sciences
Reproduction model device for cerebral aneurysm
YAGI, Takanobu Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer
● Establishment of a novel ex vivo technique of reproducing cerebral aneurysm.● Reproduce diseased state of the arteries from healthy by hemodynamic loading.● Reproduce degenerative change of arteries due to aberrant hemodynamics.
Development of Scalable Micro Thermoelectric Devices
WATANABE, Takanobu Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Fundamental Science and Engineering Department of Electronic and Photonic Systems)
● Si nanowire is used as the thermoelectric material. ● Miniaturized TE device fabricated by the Si-LSI process capable of mass-production