Socio-scientific research into administrative processes of environmental policies
- researcher's name
about researcher YOSHIDA, Tokuhisa Professor (retired)
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- keyword
The destined appearance of the “environment” will be ascertained by finding the kinds of dynamic systems that dictated the trajectory hereto followed by environmental policies.
1. Dynamic systems affecting the drafting of environmental policies (environmental regime)
2. Competing relationship between important issues (interlocking crises)
3. Catalytic function of journalism (catalytic influences)
Rational policy plans and implementation methods can be discovered by analyzing and understanding the composition of these.
Policies, statutes, environmental science and technology, public opinion, reports in mass media and interests are being examined in a unified manner, and the methods below used to conduct empirical analyses. Results have been obtained in research on themes relating to the administrative process for Japanese global warming policies since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, and resource circulation policies. Information can be provided and on-site investigations conducted into domestic policies in Japan.
1. Doubts are to be discerned with respect to environmental policies and efforts.
2. The social and economic frameworks enveloping the research issues are to be ascertained. (Sites are to be accessed and basic information collected. The structure of problems are to be checked. To this end, the statutes, basic scientific and technological features are to be learned and the governmental, administrative, social and economic situations are to be objectively analyzed and considered.)
3. Research is to be framed and trimmed. (The focus of the research is to be narrowed down. The direction of access and framing of the research scope are to be set.)
4. Research methods are to be obtained and their methodology set. (Information gathering methods, analysis methods (topic processing, etc.) are to be set and mastered.)
As well as a network to access the frontline of policies taken by national and regional governments and individuals experienced in administration, implementation of joint research is possible using the research network with the member of Center for Environmental Information Science and research laboratories.
purpose of providing seeds
Sponsord research, Collaboration research