Monitor for stress substances
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- research field
Nano/Microsystems,Rehabilitation science/Welfare engineering,Intelligent robotics,Electron device/Electronic equipment
- keyword
● Mental burdens in daily life and at work are accelerated by COVID-19 (Fig.1)
● Mental disorders have health effects on animals closely related to humans
● The tedious hassle of stress tests hinders health management
● Development of compact, easy-to-handle, fast-response silicon transistor sensor (Fig.2)
● Simultaneous detection and multifaceted understanding of markers of different origins
● Simple detection from minute amounts of saliva and sweat
● Using DNA-derived materials as receptors to enable storage and use at room temperature
● Highly sensitive detection of trace amounts of cortisol, the most important stress hormone
● Technology for repeated use by washing is under development
● Simple salivary stress monitoring in daily life and at the bedside (Fig. 3)
● Stress sensors to understand the feelings of pets and other animals that are our friends
● Quality improvement through stress management in livestock production
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