The brain mechanism that handles operational errors and motor learning


We are carrying out research into the relationship between the neural activity resulting from the brain mechanism that handles failures to execute intended movements (the error-related negativity of the event-related potential), and behavior, attention, emotions and sleepiness. Monitoring actual movements and decreasing their discrepancy with the intended movements is the mechanism on which motor learning is based. The knowledge gained through this research will provide necessary methods and a scientific basis for improving a variety of motor skills including those used in sports.


The activity of the anterior cingulate cortex is measured from the error-related negativity. The process of learning though warnings and rewards is analyzed through brain waves, brain imaging, TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation), eye-trackers, etc.


Offering advice on operational applications that use brain waves in the development of games and other devices, as well as advice on methods of measuring brain waves.

Offering advise on the process of acquiring skills in sports, countermeasures against nervousness and tension before a match or performance, preventing human errors, improving sports skills with a focus on eye movement, boosting or providing support in improving brain functions through aerobic exercise, etc.

Neuroeconomical research through quantification of brain functions.


We can carry out examinations through simultaneous use of an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and a 32-channel EEG (electroencephalogram), or gather data on brain functions using a 128-channel EEG or TMS, to analyze the relationship between emotions, attention and exercise.

purpose of providing seeds

Sponsord research, Collaboration research, Technical consultation


  • Fig.1: Photograph of an experiment being carried out
posted: 2014/05/21