表題番号:2023C-552 日付:2023/06/03
研究課題Analyzing the EU and ILO’s ‘regulatory power’ in Thailand: IUU fishing, the EU ‘yellow card’ system and ILO capacity-building
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(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 教授 ベーコン ポール・マルティン
In late 2022, I published a co-edited book with Routledge, based on work I have done on this topic. From April 2022 until September 2022 I spent research time editing the manuscript. The book is titled: The Sustainable Development Goals: Diffusion and Contestation in Asia and Europe, Routledge, New York, 2023. I wrote the conclusion to the book, and contributed two co-authored book chapters. One of the chapters is on the 'spiral model', the theory I am using for this JSPS project. The other is a case study on EU and ILO activity in Thailand, with regard to IUU fishing and forced labour. This publication is directly connected to this JSPS research project. 

I also published a co-authored article on norm diffusion in Journal of Common Market Studies, a high-impact journal on EU studies.