表題番号:2022C-499 日付:2023/04/07
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 社会科学総合学術院 社会科学部 講師 鍾 宜錚
(連携研究者) 京都大学大学院文学研究科 教授 児玉聡
(連携研究者) 日本医師会総合政策研究機構 主任研究員 田中美穗
(連携研究者) 京都大学大学院医学研究科 准教授 佐藤恵子
(連携研究者) 京都大学大学院医学研究科 准教授 竹之内沙弥香
(連携研究者) 北里大学看護学部 教授 長尾式子
(連携研究者) 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究科 教授 門岡康弘
(連携研究者) 立命館大学大学院先端総合学術研究科 教授 美馬達哉
(連携研究者) 東京大学医科学研究所 研究員 洪賢秀

This research examines the ethical issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of measures against infectious diseases, with particular focus on the end-of-life care settings in Japan and Taiwan. This research especially focuses on the concept of "good death," and examines the changes of it during the pandemic. In year 2022, I have conducted fieldworks in Taiwan and investigate the changes in the practice of "good death" in the hospital. 

      I firstly examined the allocation of medical resources in Taiwan, namely, the development and problems of the triage system, as well as the ethical issues of healthcare system that are manifested during the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues such as burn-out of medical staff and breakdown of emergency care unit because of the free-access to healthcare service and the national healthcare insurance system suggested the need to reformation.

   Secondly, I examined the actual situation and the challenges of withholding and withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment based on advance directives in Taiwan. During the pandemic, terminally ill patients were restricted to meet their family in face, which has raised concerns about patient’s right to self-determination. Both issues have highlighted the difficulties when practicing “good death” in clinical settings during pandemic and taught us lessons in the post-pandemic era.