表題番号:2022C-498 日付:2023/04/04
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 社会科学総合学術院 社会科学部 講師 吉岡 郁美
This year, I have been conducting research to link my previous studies on the analysis of the relationship between legal fields in German administrative law to its impact on Japanese law. With the grant for financial support from Waseda University, I have come to the conclusion that my research may provide an opportunity to reexamine the significance of the research for individual areas of Japanese administrative law, which currently receives little attention. I think that my research acquires a new perspective for organizing and analyzing individual areas of administrative law and give perspective a problem-finding function with regard to the current legal system. I have reported the result to other researcher of administrative law and have prepared for summarizing the results in a book. Furthermore, among this year's activities, I have set "the relationship between educational law and cultural law" as a new topic for my research. This theme leads to consideration, (a)whether the allocation of authority under the cultural law should be in line with that under educational law which authority shift between school board and the chief and (b) what the fundamental value of the cultural law that it is not influenced by the educational law.