表題番号:2022C-443 日付:2023/02/02
研究課題Framework for understanding adaptation to SLR and climate change in Asian deltaic cities
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 国際理工学センター(理工学術院) 教授 エステバン ミゲル

The present project aimed to Understand how Asian deltaic cities (namely Tokyo, Ho Chi Minh City, Manila, etc) are adapting to ground subsidence and sea level rise (SLR), and the effect that this is having on socio-economic systems. As part of the project the authors conducted a literature survey of how different cities around the planet are adapting to sea level rise, which were combined with past research at Waseda university that utilized state of the art simulations of typhoons and storm surges. As a result, adaptation pathways that can improve the long-term resilience of communities to sea level rise (SLR) and climate enhanced natural disasters were formulated. While it is clear that future SLR will pose an additional financial strain on coastal communities, there is no evidence that any major coastal settlements will retreat in the course of the 21st century, given the range of adaptation options available. Rather, the opposite appears to be true, and evidence indicates that humans will probably continue to encroach on the sea.