表題番号:2022C-170 日付:2023/04/05
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 国際理工学センター(理工学術院) 准教授 戸谷 美夏
(連携研究者) 理工学術院 教授 佐藤 政充

Microtubule cytoskeleton dynamically changes its organisation within cells and plays an important role in fundamental cellular functions, such as cell polarity and intracellular transport. Many studies have examined the regulation of microtubule organisation using in vitro experiments and model organisms; however, the regulation of microtubule organisation and its role in the organs and tissues in the mammalian body remains poorly understood. We have previously identified the microtubule-end-associated protein Camsap3 as a key regulator of microtubule organisation in epithelial cells, which are the major cellular component of many organs. In this research project, we focused on the process of follicle maturation in the ovaries as a contributing factor to the infertility of mice lacking Camsap3 function. Moreover, we analysed the transzonal projection, which is the structure of cytoskeletal bridges between the oocyte and the mother.