表題番号:2021E-036 日付:2022/03/04
研究課題Study on organizational mode of transnational mobility: Taking Chinese in Tokyo as an example
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(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 講師 ズオ ウェンミン

With the support of Special Research Projects of Waseda University, my research group interviewed 42 persons and completed a survey report with 48,000 words, “Social Organizations and Mindset of International MigrantsA Survey of Chinese in Tokyo”. The report briefly introduces the overseas study activities, economic activities, and social organizations of Chinese in Tokyo. Based on that, we analyzed the mindset of Chinese immigrants in Tokyo. We found that:

1). Chinese official organizations have formed large-scale networks and gained overall development, while non-official organizations are fragmented but more active on a local scale. 

2). Chinese subjectively retain a dual identity that they have legitimized their both Japanese and Chinese elements. Based on that, to Japanese society, Chinese have a stronger sense of satisfaction from a functional perspective but a weaker sense of belonging in an emotional sense. 

3). The process of Chinese immigration can also be described as a process of rediscovery of “overseas Chinese society”. In a broader sense, this immigration ecosystem, which consists of the business system, state-administrative system, and the social system, constitutes an overall framework for understanding Chinese in Japan.