表題番号:2021C-645 日付:2023/04/06
研究課題The normative power of the EU and ILO: Diffusing anti-forced labour and human trafficking norms in Thailand and Southeast Asia
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 教授 ベーコン ポール・マルティン

This research project analyzes the international diffusion of human rights norms and Sustainable Development Goals relating to forced labour and human trafficking in the fisheries industry. In particular, I study the European Union and the International Labour Organization, who are working together in several Southeast Asian countries, including Thailand. I argue that the partnership between these organizations has been highly successful, drawing on the EU's economic leverage, and the ILO's capacity-building expertise. For my research methodology, I use a norm diffusion framework I developed using my previous JSPS grant. I recently published a high-impact article using this research framework in a leading IR journal, JCMS, in which I analyzed the EU’s ‘normative power’: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jcms.13177

I was able to travel to Thailand using project research money to continue with my network-building and academic interviews. I was also able to subsidize research on the EU’s recognition as a normative power in the Japanese media, through analysis of Japanese newspapers and government social media accounts. Finally, in early 2023 my latest Routledge co-edited research monograph was published, which contains my latest findings from this project research:


As well as co-editing the book, I also wrote three co-authored chapters.