表題番号:2021C-552 日付:2022/04/08
研究課題Automatic behavior analysis
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 国際理工学センター(理工学術院) 准教授 コセンティノ サラ
(連携研究者) Dept. of Integrative Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering Research student Mauricio MENDEZ MARTINEZ
(連携研究者) Dept. of Integrative Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. student Zixi GU
(連携研究者) Department of Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Jia-Yeu LIN
This project stemmed from ideas presented in the past rejected kakenhi project Kiban B, but had a different core scientific question, and served as a base for starting research and acquire preliminary data on unobtrusive and ecological methods to continuously analyze human behavior in unstructured environment. The core idea was to create a modular, reconfigurable sensor algorithm which could be deployed on modular, reconfigurable hybrid (environmental and wearable) sensor systems, to detect the user's and automatic assess their behavior and vital parameters, detecting possible anomalies.
Using the funds, a concept prototype of the sensor system has been designed.
Due to the pandemic, the system development was severely delayed and experiments in real environment with external users were not possible. For this reason, we acquired all the necessary material and we are planning to continue the testing in the next year.