表題番号:2021C-547 日付:2022/04/12
研究課題Framework for development of pre-disaster reconstruction plans in Philippines
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 国際理工学センター(理工学術院) 教授 エステバン ミゲル
(連携研究者) Manila Observatory Researcher Laurice Jamero

The present project aimed to develop a framework for pre-disaster reconstruction plans in the Philippines. As part of the project the authors conducted a literature survey of the historical development of Cebu city, obtaining information about reclaimed areas around the coastline (which are low-lying and are particularly at risk of suffering the effects of storm surges). Following typhoon Rei (Odette) in December 2022 there was widespread damage around Cebu, and the researchers surveyed coastal areas to ascertain storm surge levels and document the damage that took place.