表題番号:2021C-498 日付:2022/02/02
研究課題Traces of Sound. Medial and Spatial Function of the Phonograph as a Sound Archive of Indigenous Cultures in German Travel and Ethnological Journeys Between 1870 and 1945.
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(代表者) 商学学術院 商学部 准教授 クラウス マヌエル フィリップ

This here presented research project aims to fill this blank by 1) explaining the media-theoretical background of both the phonograph and the gramophone in contemporary literature and 2) giving insight in which form the phonograph and the gramophone as part of an technological exotism have been used in contemporary field research of the late 19th century and early 20th century with reference to ethnological travel and ethnological journeys in the period between the German Empire in 1870 and during the rise and fall of the Nazi Party from on 1933 until 1945.

Furthermore, this research project here attempts to emphasize 1) the relationship between ethnological and ethnographical researchers from Western Civilization and 2) the so-called Edlen Wilden from atavistic and uncivilized countries. It was these noble savages who had to provide and share their Kulturelles Gedächtnis for numerous field recordings while their wisdom and their mythical habits had to serve as a metaphorical storage of an Ästhetik des Diversen as defined by Victor Segalen in his Essai sur l'exotisme. Une ésthétique du divers

This form of a Kulturelle Übersetzung shows that the ethnological usage of the phonograph and the gramophone in the deep atavistic jungles of the Amazon and other uncivilized spaces represents a new form of Kulturelle Aneignung and in the end symbolizes an extension of strong and traditionalized colonial longings but on the other side give also an interesting insight into the needs for collecting exotic ethnographica as done by many modern ethnographers, ethnologists or adventurers during the here analyzed period.