表題番号:2021C-048 日付:2022/03/09
研究課題Reimagining Reproductive Bodies in Contemporary Japanese Women’s Fiction
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(代表者) 文学学術院 文化構想学部 准教授 由尾 瞳
This research project explores the works of contemporary Japanese women writers in the context of Japan’s declining birth rate and aging society, where the promotion of reproduction vis-à-vis the female body has permeated the political and national discourses, women writers have played a key role in resisting and transgressing such government narratives that have systematically reduced women to their reproductive capabilities. Within this socio-historical context, this research project focuses on the work of two authors, Sayaka Murata (b. 1979) and Mieko Kawakami (b. 1976), both of whom have engaged with these government discourses and political pressures in distinct ways, and yet share the same feminist motivation to challenge oppressive structures and reclaim reproductive justice. Research findings resulted in the co-written article “Reimagining Reproductive Bodies in Contemporary Japanese Women’s Fiction,” which is forthcoming in the edited volume, Reproductive Justice and Literature, from Palgrave Macmillan.