研究者所属(当時) | 資格 | 氏名 | |
(代表者) | 文学学術院 文化構想学部 | 教授 | ホサイン タニア |
- 研究成果概要
The literature review administered in 2021. Because of COVID 19, traveling was restricted and no field work has done. Following is the summary of the literature review.
Rohingya in Myanmar is one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. Although Bangladesh Government gives them shelter in Bangladesh, Rohingya children are not allowed to enter the local schools, and they are facing educational and social discrimination. The government of Bangladesh mentioned that Rohingya people in Bangladesh should get their education in their mother tongue, which is mostly Burmese or Urdu. In Bangladesh, most the public-school use Bengali as a medium of instruction and teach English as one of the compulsory subjects. All these languages have different language scripts. In Bangladesh, Rohingya children are not allowed to enter the local schools, and they are facing educational and social discrimination. The government of Bangladesh mentioned that Rohingya people in Bangladesh should get their education in their mother tongue, which is mostly Burmese or Urdu. In Bangladesh, most the public-school use Bengali as a medium of instruction and teach English as one of the compulsory subjects. All these languages have different language scripts. The literature review was administered with the help of the RRRC in Bangladesh. In the absence of a specific refugee policy in Bangladesh and politicization of the refugee situation, integration of Rohingyas has always been a challenge. However, the socio-economic conditions of the host communities in Cox’s Bazar, one of Bangladesh’s poorest districts, have further complicated finding a durable solution for the Rohingyas in the area. Whether living in a camp or non-camp areas, the Rohingya refugees have been subject to miserable living conditions marked by inadequate access to basic needs, exposure to violence, restricted movement, local hostility, and various forms of discrimination. In this review article, we focus on the current situation of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, with special emphasis on living conditions. Rohingyas are non-Bengali. Rohingya people neither understand the Bengali dialect nor Bengali people understand the Rohingya dialect. Those who do have access to education get some non-formal education inside the camp. In the camp, they attend sessions for about two hours per day at grade levels far below their age. Education is recognized as a universal human right. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) accords that each child has the right to education (UNCRC Article 28). Unfortunately, Rohingya children in Bangladesh are not enjoying that right. The principal researcher has started working with the literature review and trying a find a plan and an education policy for Rohingya children which will benefit both the country as well as the Rohingya children by providing them Islamic education as the Rohingya children are Muslims.
In 2022, the result was presented at two conferences- the Netherlands and Greece. It is expected that this August-September fieldwork will be done. Some interviews will be taken and several camps will be visited. Data will be collected with the help of RRRC and now the principal researcher is arranging the field with them.