表題番号:2020C-759 日付:2021/03/05
研究課題The Echolot of Space. Psychogeography and location of the collective consciousness in Walter Kempowski’s late work Hundstage (1988) and Letzte Grüße (2003)
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 商学学術院 商学部 講師 クラウス マヌエル フィリップ
(連携研究者) 学習院大学 教授 Thomas Pekar

Starting point of the here presented research project was the consideration of identifying a spatial analysis of cultural memory and spatial conceptions in the works Hundstage (1988) and Letzte Grüße (2003) by late Walter Kempowski based on the principles of psychogeography as suggested in Guy Debords‘ Einführung in eine Kritik der städtischen Geographie (Introduction à une critique de la géographie urbaine, 1955). However, the examination of both primary and secondary literature related to this topic revealed that the problem of space must be analyzed far more comprehensively and extensive than it has been done so far. Regarding to the complex (theoretical) structure of space in modern German literature as well as in postcolonial cultural and media studies, it became obvious that the analysis of space should not be restricted only to the above named works by Walter Kempowski but far more should be extended to the analysis of space itself in Western civilization and its representative literature, cultural and geopolitical works from the beginning of the early 20th century to the present day by then comparing it to the narrative structure of Kempowski and as a final goal, to determine precisely which cultural aspects Walter Kempowski used as a basis in his work to analyze space as an Echolot of human thoughts, which tracks he leaves in these archived and preserved memory spaces and how these tracks have to be interpreted by the reader.

As a next step it is necessary to get a far more precise insight into the spatial conception as well in contemporary psychogeographical works as in works which examine space from a more anthropological or ethnological/ethnomusicological point of view. Therefor it will be urgent to continue collecting and examining interdisciplinary works on their view about spatial concepts and demonstrate how these concepts are applicable to the work of Walter Kempowski. While most of the published papers on Walter Kempowski deal with political and historical issues the here presented research project will be a pioneer work by analyzing Kempowskis’ late work under new and not reflected aspects up to date.