表題番号:2020C-541 日付:2021/09/15
研究課題Intra-Household Time Allocation and Biogas: Evidence from Quasi-Experimental Design
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 政治経済学術院 政治経済学部 助教 デンドゥップ ンガワン

In this study, we examine how an alternative household energy, biogas affects the times allocated for economic and noneconomic activities and investigate if the biogas has any crowding out effect on household poverty and conservation related outcomes using census and administrative data from Nepal. To account for the nonrandom assignment of biogas, we exploit the limitation of biogas technology that exogenously becomes less feasible at the cutoff of annual ambient temperature of 20 degree Celsius. Our results show that biogas affects the time allocation differently between male and female household members. Female household members spend more time in household production by about two folds than male members. On the contrary, male members allocate more time on market participation by about three folds compare to female members from the same household. We find no positive returns to health.