表題番号:2020C-535 日付:2021/04/17
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 政治経済学術院 政治経済学部 教授 瀬川 至朗
In order to explore the requirements for an effective fact-checking system, we attempted to analyze the effectiveness and limitations of fact-checking articles during the September 2018 Okinawa gubernatorial election. The first basic analysis on fact-checking of the Okinawa gubernatorial election was conducted by Okamoto (2021), and Segawa built on Okamoto's research and analyzed data from 500,000 tweets (September 1-October 15, 2018), including retweets. Specifically, we compared the amount of tweets that affirmed or denied the target discourse (questionable discourse) to be fact-checked before and after the publication of the fact-checked article. We also focused on the accounts that tweeted and retweeted positively or negatively about the target discourse, and coded the political leanings of the accounts based on the descriptions in their profiles. We analyze whether or not there is a relationship between the political tendencies of the accounts and the affirmation or negation of the target discourse.

Taro Okamoto (2021), "Exploring the Effectiveness of Fact-Checking: Focusing on the 2018 Okinawa Gubernatorial Election," March 6, 2021, Fact-Checking Research Group, Institute for Next Generation Journalism and Media, Waseda University

This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19H04425.
This research was supported by a grant from the Sakuradakai Foundation for Political Research.