表題番号:2020C-431 日付:2021/02/28
研究課題Creation of smart personal devices for social robots
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 講師 トロヴァト ガブリエレ
The existing two robots SanTO and DarumaTO-2 have limited functionalities in terms of hardware and software.
The most critical part is the communication with the user, as Daruma-TO2 is not sensing the user, and SanTO, while it has a camera to recognise user's position, does not have any knowledge to understand the context.
The development in FY2021 took place in two directions.
Hardware of Daruma-TO was improved and touch sensors were integrated, making it capable of moving left/right and following simple vocal commands. SanTO external appearance was revised and the candle that will become a separate "personal device" was also separated from the whole robot base and re-sketched. In the future work, it will be 3D printed.
Software was also developed in collaboration with researchers from Peru, who took part in the previous development of SanTO. A particular effort was made to ensure a safe protocol of communication between the user interface and the contents of the robot. In the future work, this communication code will be integrated with the 3D printed device.