表題番号:2020C-427 日付:2021/04/03
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 准教授 長坂 真澄
    This research clarified what lays in the common root of theory and practice on the hither side of the opposition of the two by taking as a guide Derrida's lecture manuscript Theory and Practice.
    To this aim, the research took the following steps: First, it began by clarifying Aristotle's discussions concerning four causes, developed in Physics and Metaphysics, and his discussion regarding the question of techne (art) as one of five approaches to the truth, explained in Nicomachean Ethics. Second, the investigation elucidated, by explicating Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technique and Science and Meditation, how Heidegger interprets Aristotle’s teachings to answer the question of techne situated on the hither side of the theory/practice opposition. Third, it explained how Derrida examines Heidegger's interpretation to uncover its potential unity with Derrida’s reading of Kant, developed around the opposition of theoretical and practical reason. Next, the question of the common root of theory and practice was clarified by focusing on aesthetic reflective judgements, based on Kant's Critique of Judgement. From the above, fifth and finally, it established how this common root is related to techne.