表題番号:2018S-231 日付:2019/04/08
研究課題Picking Up STEAM to Engage with Antiquity: Virtual and Augmented Reality Create Multilingual, Authentic and FUNctional Literacy with Genji Monogatari
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 助手 ロペス ブラボ マルセラ グアダルペ
1) Archival Research: to determine the locations, passages of the text, images, and other materials necessary to show the importance of understanding physical space during Heian Period for readers of Genji Monogatari
2) Traveled to Kyoto, and Uji twice for fotographing and mapping locations relevant to understand how spaces got contested in Genji Monogatari
Created a base of 360-degree 3D and VR imagery that will house the AR content in the activities planned for the classroom