表題番号:2018S-107 日付:2019/02/07
研究課題Understanding adaptation to sea level rise in small islands: learning from land subsidence
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 国際理工学センター(理工学術院) 教授 エステバン ミゲル
The research project achieved its objectives. The applicant traveled to the Philippines and conducted bathymetry surveys, aerial drone surveys, and conducted interviews with residents affected by high tides. Several locations on the islands were marked to continue to monitor the extent of the floods in future years. 

The significant of the research has already been picked up by the Guardian, a leading UK newspaper:


The article has been shared over 3000 times, with links to the videos related to the project having been watched over 12,000 times. Otherwise, so far one journal paper and one conference paper include the work that was done on the field trip, with several others currently under review.