表題番号:2018S-037 日付:2019/04/02
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 文学学術院 文化構想学部 助手 石川 遥至
(連携研究者) 早稲田大学文学学術院 教授 越川房子

Distraction is defined as a behavior to focus attention away from one’s negative mood and its causes onto pleasant or neutral stimuli (Rusting & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1998). Although this strategy is effective to reduce negative mood immediately, it has been suggested that distraction for avoidance of one’s negative problems prevent from solving or accepting them (e.g. Steil & Ehlers, 2000). Then, we have examined the effect of “divided-attention distraction” which encourage one to recall negative memory intentionally while engaging in distraction task (Ishikawa & Koshikawa, 2018).

  In this study, we compared the effect of divided-attention distraction on mood and aversion to negative event with distraction aiming at suppressing thoughts about negative event. Participants were required to engage in divided-attention distraction (group A) or distraction for suppression (group B) or rest (group C) for 8 minutes, following inducing negative rumination about previous negative events. Subsequently, all participants took a rest for 5 minutes.

  The score of aversion to the event reduced significantly after distraction and after 5-minute rest in group A. On the other hand, group B and C did not show significant reduction after 5-minute rest. This result suggests that divided-attention distraction would promote acceptance or emotion processing.