表題番号:2018S-006 日付:2019/04/09
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 政治経済学術院 政治経済学部 教授 大湾 秀雄
フランクフルト大学のGuido Friebel教授を1月に招聘し、人事経済学に関するセミナーを早稲田大学と東大で行った他、ドイツのアウグスブルグで開かれた人事経済学のコンファレンスに参加し、欧州の研究者との連携を図った。昨年度の主な研究成果としては以下のものがある。

・Muroga, Kiho and Hideo Owan, “How Informative Is Three Hundred Sixty Degree Evaluation?”
・Nakamuro, Owan and Sato, ”The Effect of Firm-Sponsored Interpersonal Skills Training on Worker’s Performance”
・Shangguan, Ruo and Hideo Owan, "How Good Managers Steer Their Projects: Using Value-Added Measures of Manager Quality" 
・Sato, Kaori, Yuki Hashimoto and Hideo Owan “Gender Differences in Career,” accepted conditional on minor revision by Journal of the Japanese and International Economies  
・Sato, Kaori, Sachiko Kuroda, and Hideo Owan, “Mental Health Effects of Long Work Hours, Night and Weekend Work, and Quick Return”, submitted to Social Science and Medicine 
・Hideo Owan, "How Good Managers Steer Their Projects: Using Value-Added Measures of Manager Quality", The 12th Annual Organizational Economics Workshop, Australian National University (Australia), November 29, 2018.    
・Hideo Owan, "How Good Managers Steer Their Projects: Using Value-Added Measures of Manager Quality", The 22nd Colloquium on Personnel Economics, University of Augsburg (Germany), March 14, 2019.