表題番号:2018K-389 日付:2019/04/04
研究課題Development of small social rrobots inspired to culture and religion for elderly people
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 講師 トロヴァト ガブリエレ
(連携研究者) Pontifical Catholic University of Peru Professor Francisco Cuellar
As planned in the application to this project, the two robots SanTO and DarumaTO were developed in terms of hardware and software. In particular, the robot SanTO was revised with a new lighting system, new speakers and several parts of the external cover replaced by new 3D prints.
Software was improved for both robots, with the registration to the Google Cloud speech recognition service and to VocalWare service of text-to-speech. Thanks to this, a dialogue system was developed. A fully working SanTO was then tested with users in Peru during March 2019.

Previously, the intellectual property of SanTO was protected through the application for the design rights, during Spring 2018.

In total, 1 journal papers and 2 conference papers were produced. The robot was displayed in events in Japan and Germany.

The robot SanTO gained increasing attention from the press, and was featured in Italian TV, in Spanish magazines and even in prestigious news magazines like IEEE Spectrum, and prestigious newspapers (the Wall Street Journal). This research topic was also presented in the form of invited talks in several locations, such as Tohoku University, and the worldwide notorious TEDx event.

Overall, we can state that the achieved results are superior to the initial goals submitted one year ago.