表題番号:2018B-104 日付:2019/04/05
研究課題Drainage problems for the multidimensional thin film equation
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 国際理工学センター(理工学術院) 准教授 ボーウェン マーク
(連携研究者) Duke University Professor T. P. Witelski
(連携研究者) Bucknell University Professor L. Smolka
1) Working with Professor T P Witelski (Duke University, USA), we have been studying out-diffusion solutions of the so-called thin film equation (a fourth order parabolic partial differential equation) on a finite multi-dimensional domain; this extends our recent previous work on the one-dimensional problem.

While considering this problem, we decided first to make a preliminary study of the related problem for the lower (second) order porous medium equation.  In this context, we have constructed analytically self-similar solutions that act as large time attractors for solutions defined on sectorial [quarter, half-plane and three-quarter-plane] domains.  We have confirmed these results using numerical simulations.

2) While working on this project, I established a new working relationship with Professor L. Smolka (Bucknell University, USA) looking at how thin films evolve in a periodic domain (corresponding physically to the external surface of a cylinder) under the combined effects  of gravity (drainage) and thermal stresses (leading to a non-convex convective flux of fluid).  The interaction of convective effects and surface tension (fourth order parabolic terms) yields solutions containing non-classical shock dynamics, such as undercompressive-compressive shock pairs and undercompressive shocks-rarefaction fans.  We are currently writing up the results of this research for publication in the near future.