表題番号:2016S-181 日付:2017/04/03
研究課題Translating the Classics:Gender,Authorship,and the Canon in the Anthology of Japanese Literature(2014-2018)
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 文学学術院 文化構想学部 准教授 由尾 瞳
My research project examines issues of authorship, translation, and canonization of Japanese literature (particularly women’s literature) in contemporary Japan, focusing on the ongoing publication of the thirty-volume Anthology of Japanese Literature (Kawade shobo). There has been increasing interest in rethinking the notion of authorship in the field of literary studies, particularly since the emergence of new media has altered the meaning and boundaries of the “author” as a stable and unified origin of the text. This current research expands the time frame of my book project, Female Authorship and the Cultures of Publishing and Translation in Japan: 1895-1935.

A distinctive feature of the anthology are the “contemporary translations” of classical works, which aim for a supposed reinvigoration of the classics through the signature stamp of modern-day writers. While translation is never merely a mimetic linguistic transfer, the emphasis on the translator brings to light what is normally rendered invisible, subverting a series of hierarchies between the original and translated texts. My project considers the rich history of translation and the dynamics of authorship in modern Japan, while focusing particularly on Kawakami Mieko’s rendition of Higuchi Ichiyo’s “Takekurabe.” I presented part of my research at two international conferences in March 2017.