表題番号:2016K-316 日付:2017/04/09
研究課題Alterity in Japan-Korea Relationship through Media Analysis
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 国際学術院 国際教養学部 教授 リー マージ クリスティン

Cyberspace created a sphere where anyone can express his or her opinion about any theme. Online newspaper articles in Japanese and in Korean created a distinctive local media coverage shaping the general public’s perception of Japan-Korea relationship. This research focused on how events or themes in online newspaper articles in Japanese and in Korean are differently interpreted. In this study, Japan-Korea indicates Japan and the Republic of Korea or South Korea. The primary data used for this research are online newspaper articles limited to 300 articles published in 2014 and 300 individual blogs via search engines using Korea-Japan as a key word in Japanese and in Korean. The notion of alterity or “the Other” is adopted as a part of the critical theoretical departure.  For the data selection, the year 2014 was particularly chosen because it was years after two historical landmark legal cases were brought by the district courts in Korea against the Japanese firms. Two cases that reversed the prior rulings are the former Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Nippon Steel. The Mitsubishi case had lasted for 16 years since the beginning of the initial suit. The rulings were significant since Supreme Court in Republic of Korea based their decisions on the illegality of Japan’s Protectorate treaty against Korea in 1905 and invalidity of statute of limitations on tort damages. Although the Korean media covered these two rulings extensively, only few articles appeared in the Japanese newspapers. The rulings can be an example for both Korea and Japan to be able to step into the shoes of "the Other."