表題番号:2016B-144 日付:2017/04/09
研究課題Precise Cosmic-Ray Simulations to Support CALET Data Analysis
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 創造理工学部 助教 モッツ ホルガー マルティン
(連携研究者) 理工学術院 先進理工学研究科 PhD Student Bhattacharyya Saptashwa
The expected anisotropy in electron+positron cosmic-rays was calculated using numerical methods,  to study a possible anisotropy signature from the Vela SNR, and its detectability with CALET. For these calculations, the code DRAGON was extended to extract the anisotropy information near the solar system from the cosmic-ray distribution on the spatial grid, on which the calculation is done. As the required finely binned grid requires a PC with large RAM, the hardware procured from this project grant was essential in accomplishing this.

Based on these calculations, the sensitivity of CALET to anisotropy of the electron+positron flux was studied, and expected limits on the dipole amplitude calculated. To enhance the sensitivity, an analysis method assuming a fixed direction of the dipole towards Vela was tested, and it was shown that a possibility to find a significant signal exists.

Using similar numerical calculations, the signature of Dark Matter decay in cosmic-rays and its background were studied. Specifically, leptonic 3-particle decay of Dark Matter was investigated as a potential source of the positron excess and it was shown that CALET has potential to discern this Dark Matter decay from a nearby pulsar causing the positron excess.