表題番号:2014B-308 日付:2015/04/23
研究者所属(当時) 資格 氏名
(代表者) 理工学術院 先進理工学部 教授 朝日 透
(連携研究者) 物質・材料研究機構 (NIMS) 主任研究員 Garcia Villora
(連携研究者) 物質・材料研究機構 (NIMS) 教授 (光学単結晶グループリーダー) 島村清史

 Faraday rotator single-crystals have attracted much attention in the field of magneto-optics due to their broad applications such as optical isolators, optical modulators, and beam splitters.  Rare-earth (RE) fluorides (CeF3, PrF3 and LiREF4) single-crystals have been investigated due to their unique transmittance in the UV wavelength region.  The magneto-optical effects of the RE ions are known to be caused by the intraionic parity allowed electric dipole transition between the 4fN and 4fN-15d1 configurations. These transitions are close to the absorption cut-off in the widely transparent fluorides, so that these achieve outstanding Verdet constants in the UV wavelength region. 

  Accurate Faraday rotation measurements have been carried out along the optical c-axis in order to avoid the linear birefringence.  However, to investigate the optical and magnetic properties of the RE fluorides in more detail, measurements along the perpendicular direction are required.  In this study, the wavelength dependences of the linear and circular birefringences of CeF3 single-crystal along the a-axis were measured with the Generalized-High Accuracy Universal Polarimeter (G-HAUP).