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Life sciences Manufacturing Technology

A durability testing device for stents and a method of evaluation

IWASAKI, Kiyotaka Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Cooperative Major in Advanced Biomedical Sciences)
We developed a testing device that could accurately simulate the stress environment of the area where the stent is inserted. The development of a system that takes into account the application of stress in the form of a combined twisting and stretching force, and the mechanica...
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Life sciences Manufacturing Technology

Acellularization of heart valves

IWASAKI, Kiyotaka Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Cooperative Major in Advanced Biomedical Sciences)
One of the ways of prolonging the life of tissue valves is to not treat them chemically, and use acellular tissue from porcine heart valves. A unique method of microwave irradiation combined with a simulated in vivo environment (controlled surfactant flow and pressure through ...
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Life sciences

Simulated constricted blood vessel and manufacturing method thereof

IWASAKI, Kiyotaka Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering Cooperative Major in Advanced Biomedical Sciences)
This invention is an artificial blood vessel for modeling stenotic lesions caused by the calcification of blood vessels, and the manufacturing method thereof.Elasticity near to that of an actual human constricted blood vessel can be obtained by mixing calcium carbonate powder ...
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Life sciences

Novel infertility treatment using cell sheet technology

SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
● Infertility treatment that engrafts fertilized eggs in the intimal tissue using cell sheet technology.
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Life sciences

Cultured meat production with culture medium made from waste food

SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
● A major part of the cost of producing cultured meat is the growth factors and serum of the culture medium. ● By containing a homogenized extract of waste meat in the basal medium, a large number of muscle cells can be amplified in a growth factor-free and serum-free me...
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Life sciences

In vitro NASH model with ballooned hepatocytes

SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering)
● When human fibroblasts and human hepatocytes are co-cultured, collected in sheets using UPCELL and     cultured in a high-glycolipid environment, ballooned hepatocytes are induced. 
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Life sciences

Amyloidß Detection System using CHRNA7 Fragments

SAWAMURA, Naoya Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering) (retired)
● We narrowed down the binding region of CHRNA7 to Aß.● The methods to detect Aß using the purified GST-CHRNA7 fragments.● We already confirmed the binding of Aß and the CHRNA7 fragments.
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Nanotechnology / Materials

Light-emitting Electrochemical Cells(LEC)

SAKANOUE, Tomo Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering) (retired)
collaborative researchers:TAKENOBU, Taishi Guest Professor (retired)
・Hybrid device of electrochemistry and electronics  ・Specially designed ionic liquids for LEC application・Simple solution process for low cost manufacturing
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Life sciences

New pharmacological effects of thalidomide on neurons

SAWAMURA, Naoya Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering) (retired)
The enantiomers, derivatives and metabolites of thalidomide are being analyzed to determine the various mechanisms of action in neurons by which they cause differences in pharmacological effect.
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Heat extraction rate maximized by the use of nanofluid in heat exchangers

MOROOKA, Shinichi Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering) (retired)
Mixing TiO2 nanoparticles into the media (water) inside a heat exchanger and conducting several hours of preliminary steam generator operation, causes the nanofluid to adsorb onto the inside of the heat transfer tube and a nanostructure to be formed. So doing increases the hea...
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Social Infrastructure


SCHMITZ, Alexander Guest Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering)
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Social Infrastructure


SCHMITZ, Alexander Guest Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering)
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Social Infrastructure


SCHMITZ, Alexander Guest Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering)
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Social Infrastructure

A Robot Arm with Novel, Intrinsically Safe Joints

SCHMITZ, Alexander Guest Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering)
collaborative researchers:WANG, Wei Junior Researcher
● Novel actuators with adjustable torque limiters● Direct Teaching capability● 7 DOF robot arm, 1m reach, 5kg payload
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Social Infrastructure

Small Sized Force / Torque Sensors for Robotic Arms and Hands

SCHMITZ, Alexander Guest Senior Researcher (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering)
● Novel 6-axis F/T sensor based on capacitive ensing● Novel 3-axis force sensors for distributed tactile sensing
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Proposal for an innovative problem solving method for the creation of product value

SAWAGUCHI, Manabu Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering)
This project proposes a method for valuable new product development plans and new business plans (through the theory of inventive problem solving [TRIZ]). This project proposes a new product development methodology that aims for radical innovation for the improvement of added-...
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Development of energy control techniques for the realization of a smart grid

HAYASHI, Yasuhiro Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience)
Advanced methodologies will be developed through computer simulations and next-generation smart grid simulations, in order to enable total design of a suitable next-generation electrical energy supply configuration by which both of the above can be achieved continuously.
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Information Communication

Search method for similar cases of process state, process state prediction method, and storage media

UCHIDA, Kenko Senior Research Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience) (retired)
This invention conducts high-speed searches for the latest operation state of complex, non-linear, and non-stationary processes (such as blast furnaces) that are currently in operation, as well as similar past cases, accurately predicts the future state of processes, and pr...
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An output restriction avoidance method for multiple-unit-connected photovoltaic power generation systems and the equipment necessary for the method

HAYASHI, Yasuhiro Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience)
Photovoltaic power generation systems are able to correct inequalities in the volume of output restrictions between consumers (private homes) simply by adding functions to the existing equipment in multiple-unit-connected distribution systems.The systems measure the terminal v...
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Nanotechnology / Materials

The New Interface Measuring Device using New Plasmon Sensor and Raman Scattering Spectroscopy

HOMMA, Takayuki Professor (Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Advanced Science and Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry)
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