Method for monitoring the treatment effect of Myeloproliferative neoplasms

researcher's name
about researcher TSUNEDA, Satoshi Professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering
research field
Biofunction/Bioprocess,Environmental engineering and reduction of environmental burden,Applied microbiology,Bacteriology (including mycology)


JAK2 V617F point mutation is detected as one of the driver mutations of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs)
● High JAK2 V617F allele burden associates with the poor prognosis of MPNs
● Clinical examination technique to estimate the therapeutic effects is required


● Usage of the fluorescence-dye-labeled probe exhibiting fluorescent intensity as a  function of the amount of V617F allele
JAK2 V617F allele burden can be quantified equivalent to the results by next- generation sequencing (NGS)
● Available for the monitoring of slight increase/decrease of V617F allele burden


● NGS-compatible determination precision with simple and cost-effective  workflow
● Precise quantification independent with the input gDNA amount
● Utilized to determine the therapeutic effect


● Clinical examination
● Prognosis predicting
● Drug screening



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posted: 2019/10/21