Artificial blood vessel unit for fabrication of artificial organ
- researcher's name
about researcher UMEZU, Shinjiro Professor
- affiliation
Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Creative Science and Engineering
- research field
Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
- keyword
● For conducting drug evaluation test, three dimensional cellular tissue similar to in vivo is needed.
● Vascular structures are required to create thick cellular tissue.
● Creating a vascular structure with arbitral diameter inside of a tissue is difficult.
● Vascular structures are required to create thick cellular tissue.
● Creating a vascular structure with arbitral diameter inside of a tissue is difficult.
● Luminal structure was fabricated by using titanium wire and hydrogel.
● Artificial vascular structures are created by using vascular endothelial cells adhered titanium wire.
● Artificial vascular structures were perfused with culture medium.
● Artificial vascular structures are created by using vascular endothelial cells adhered titanium wire.
● Artificial vascular structures were perfused with culture medium.
● Vascular structure of arbitral diameter can be fabricated easily without complicated method.
● Narrow blood bessel which was difficult to create can be fabricated.
● Culture medium can be supplied within the tissue because perfusion can be performed.
● Narrow blood bessel which was difficult to create can be fabricated.
● Culture medium can be supplied within the tissue because perfusion can be performed.
● Drug evaluation model
● Artificial organ, cyborg
● Artificial organ, cyborg
collaborative researchers
SAKAGUCHI, Katsuhisa Part-time Lecturer (Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering) , 秋元 渓 , 大矢 貴史