Design and operation of smart communities / Eco-towns that are resistant to natural disasters

researcher's name
about researcher YOKOYAMA, Ryuichi Professor (retired)
Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering


Due to the recent crisis in energy demand and steep price rises, global warming countermeasures and the Great East Japan Earthquake, the use of renewable energy and the local energy supply systems so that it can be used effectively, as well as the structural improvement of existing energy supply systems are all important challenges.


Essential to the construction of local energy supply systems for using renewable energy, which is readily affected by the weather, is the technology ensuring a stable supply of power. In our laboratory, we are able to design, construct and evaluate local energy supply systems that provide stable power. By ensuring independent power, it is also possible to build a power structure that is resistant to disaster. The tools below can also support this effort as technological seeds; each of them can be applied to full-scale target systems. 1. Large-scale combinatorial problem optimization algorithms, 2. Flow analysis algorithms for large-scale distribution networks, including loops and PV nodes, 3. Algorithms for deciding the optimal installation location of solar panels in order to obtain the maximum power for the given site. 4. Multipurpose optimization algorithms for deciding on generated power in full-scale power systems. 5. Extended fast algorithms for large-scale dynamic planning methods for power source development in developing countries. 6. Charge and discharge control simulation support tools that take into account the running patterns of electric vehicles. 7. Optimal combination and capacity-deciding algorithms for smart grid power sources and batteries. 8. Construction and operation analysis algorithms for smart communities, for accommodating heat and electricity. 9. Pitch angle and battery control simulation support tools for easing the fluctuation in wind power output. 10. Energy system optimization algorithms for the construction of local-production-for local-consumption-based eco-cities led by the region.


It is even possible to construct energy supply systems in office or site rather than village or administrative units. By making use of these and constructing independent power grids that use renewable energy for apartment blocks, it is possible to construct apartments that are resistant to disaster, that can ensure a minimum level of power even during black outs.


In terms of large-scale distribution systems, which have previously been difficult to evaluate, the necessary software and knowledge has been attained for the construction of power grids over small areas, such as software and combinatorial optimization programs that can evaluate at high speed. 

purpose of providing seeds

Sponsord research, Collaboration research, Technical consultation


  • Developing multipurpose (environmental, profitable, reliable) optimal operation methods for power generation equipment in power systems
  • More efficient energy use by smart houses via charge-discharge control for electric vehicles
  • Design methods for appropriate panel placement to maximize solar power generation output
  • Environmental analysis and stabilization measures for distribution systems when introducing large amounts of renewable energy
posted: 2014/05/21