Method for simultaneously observing atomic and electronic structures by a high-resolution display-type photoelectron analyzer with Spherical micro-hole grid
- researcher's name
about researcher MIZUNO, Jun Guest Senior Researcher (retired)
- affiliation
- research field
Electron device/Electronic equipment,Nanobioscience,Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems,Electronic materials/Electric materials
- keyword
● Conventional photoelectron spectroscopy is difficult to observe the 3D atomic structure of dopants, and there is a demand for a method for observing the atomic arrangement of dopant in metals, semiconductors, and superconducting materials and so on.
● In 2013, Prof. Matsushita of NAIST invented the principle of a new type of electron analyzer (retarding field analyzer: RFA) and the special spherical micro-hole grid (3D Micromesh electrodes) using electron orbit simulation. By combining RFA (element electric field
type analyzer) with a special grid, it has become possible to observe the 3D atomic structure of dopants by using PEH (photoelectron
holography). In addition, it also enables to observe the electronic structure by ARPES (angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy).
● Prof. Mizuno of Waseda University, who has accumulated know-how of micro processing technology for many years, and IMUZAK Co., Ltd. have realized spherical micro-hole grid (3D Micro mesh electrodes).
● This RFA has been installed at SPring-8 Beamline BL25SU since April 2021.
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室 隆桂之 , 松下 智裕 , 澤村 ⼀実
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